Being cautious during the Holidays!

Being cautious during the Holidays! Book an appointment 2020 has been a really tough year for most people for obvious reasons.  Especially now, with the holidays upon us, we’re encouraged to not travel, stay home with immediate family only, and not entertain in groups...

Signs of a deep latch and a good feeding

Signs of a deep latch and a good feeding Book an appointment Regardless of the position you choose to hold your baby, a good, deep latch-on is the key factor in a good feeding. Signs of a deep latch: The baby has a deep latch with an angle of 140* in which the lips...

The Benefits of Skin-to-Skin

The Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Book an appointment Becoming a parent involves making important decisions about caring for your new baby. One of the simplest ways to care for your baby right after delivery is by placing baby skin-to-skin on mom’s chest. ...

Donor Breast Milk

Donor Breast Milk Book an appointment Donated breast milk helps to save the lives of premature and sick babies whose mother’s are unable to  provide them with sufficient breast milk of their own. Milk banks in the USA and UK strive to look after donors and make the...

Breastfeeding with Covid-19 (CoronaVirus)

Breastfeeding with Covid-19 (CoronaVirus) Book an appointment During this time when the Covid-19 (CoronaVirus) pandemic is rampant, can a Mom breastfeed her baby if she has symptoms of Covid-19 (CoronaVirus) or has a (+) confirmed test result? Yes, a Mom can still...